Forgot UAN Password: There are two methods to change your uan number password or if you have forgotten uan password, you can change your UAN password by these two methods. Follow the below steps.
Step 1: Change UAN Password:
- Visit on the official uan member portal option.
- On the right side, enter your UAN number, password, and captcha.
- Click in sign in, the home page will be opened as shown below in the image.
- Open account settings by clicking on more info.
- A new window will be opened and there you will see three options under the change password option.
- Old Password: enter the old password.
- New Password: Choose a new password that you wanted to make.
- Confirm new Password: Renter the new password that you have entered into a new password option.
- Click update, your password has been changed successfully.
Forgot UAN Password
Step 2: Forgot UAN Password:
- Visit on the official uan member portal option.
- On the right side, under UAN number, password, and captcha, you will see “Forgot password”, click on it.
- A new window will be opened, as shown below.
- Enter your UAN number and captcha and click submit.
- Your UAN number and registered mobile number with UAN will be displayed, you will be asked to enter OTP received on your registered mobile number.
- Click on “Yes”. Enter 4 digits otp received on the mobile number and verify it.
- If OTP verified successfully, you will be asked to enter New Password.
- Enter “New Password & Confirm new password.
- Click on submit.
Congratulations! your UAN Password has been reset and changed successfully.
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very nice..